Getting Started with Splunk on Docker

To spin up splunk from a docker container execute the below command.

docker run -d --name splunk \
-e SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license \
-e SPLUNK_PASSWORD=secret123 \
-p 8000:8000 -p 8089:8089 splunk/splunk

Wait for the container status to be healthy. You can check this by using docker ps command.

Once the container status is healthy, you can access the splunk from the below address:


In case if you are using Mac, use your docker-machine IP instead of localhost.

You’ll see a login page similar to the one shown below.

Login using the below Credentials

username: admin
password: secret123

Let generate a Basic Trend widget

For this widget, we can simply apply timechart with span of 10 minutes on the index _internal

You’ll see a count widget similar to the one shown below.

Spring Cloud Config - Basic Git Setup

Spring Cloud Config provides server and client-side support for externalizing configuration in a distributed system.

With the config server we can have a centrlized place to manage the properties / configurations of applications across all environments.

Getting config server up and running is very easy and straight forward.

The default implementation of the config server uses git as storage backend.

The other storage backends available are :

  • File System
  • Jdbc
  • Vault (HarshiCorp)
  • CredHub


More Video series of the features / usecases

03 - Encrypting & Decrypting Configuration

04 - Securing Config Server with Basic Auth

05 - Connecting from Config Client App

06 - Refreshing Configuration Changes (single instance)

07 - Refreshing Configuration Changes via BUS (multiple instances)

08 - Enabling TLS / HTTPS for Config Server

09 - Config Client - Config Server: Bypass SSL / HTTPS configuration

10 - Config Client - Config Server: Strict SSL / HTTPS configuration

Stay Tuned…! More in pipeline..!

TestNG : Tips & Tricks

[1] TestNG : Plugin Setup for STS / Eclipse

IntelliJ and few other IDEs have built-in support for TestNG. But if we are using STS or other Eclipse based tools, we are required to install a plugin to enable IDE support for TestNG.

To set up testng plugin for STS / Eclipse, please follow the below steps:

  • Navigate to : Help menu and click on Install New Software
  • In the install window, click on Add and give the following details and click on Add again.
    Name: TestNG

Please wait for few minutes for the components to be downloaded. Once the components are downloaded, you will see something similar to the tree shown below.

  • Select all the compoenents and click Next.
  • Accept the license and proceed with installation.
  • When prompted for, restart your IDE for the installation to complete.

That’s all you need to configure test-ng plugin in sts / eclipse.